How well do you know your customer? No really, how well. I accept that you have undertaken ...

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I’ve got one simple question for you – who is responsible for innovation in your organisation? If ...

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So you want to innovate. Well you are not alone; an Accenture report in 2013 revealed that ...

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Get any group of friends together and as the evening wears on it is a fair chance ...

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Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better Albert Einstein. Far more than simply ...

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Which face do you turn towards the world? Is it the corporate image in which everything’s perfect ...

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Whose job is innovation? Is it up to the leaders at the top to stand on a ...

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One of the most challenging aspects of transforming an organisations culture into one of innovation is overcoming ...

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To describe Zappos as a seller of shoes would be somewhat akin to calling Michelangelo a painter ...

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Bright, articulate, intelligent, inventive, knowledgeable…. all these may apply perfectly to your team; but it doesn’t necessarily ...

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Give a rousing cheer, set the night sky alight with fireworks; the recession has left the building ...

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Touch your nose. Well yes that was an easy challenge but as I’m not around to give ...

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