When is a cyclist not a cyclist? Well, pretty much all of the time if truth be ...

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These lines from Thomas Gray’s “Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College” may have passed into ...

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Whether or not Marie-Antoinette ever spoke those immortal words is to a certain extent irrelevant. What is ...

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What do you believe? No seriously, what do you really believe? When you step through the doors ...

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What is life? Is it (a) a product of movement, respiration, sensitivity, homeostasis, excretion, respiration, nutrition and ...

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As one of my friends recently said, working in a heat wave is never the best of ...

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Scientists across the world have been involved in a frantic race against time in a bid to ...

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Before you start to read this article, take a break and make yourself a cup of tea.  ...

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What drives human culture to change? Speaking with a young acquaintance recently, they were marvelling at the ...

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Grab a coffee, switch off the phones, sit back and let me ask you this one simple ...

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“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned ...

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If there is one thing which Sir David Attenborough, Professor Brian Cox and other natural world presenters ...

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