In my earlier article‘ Understanding Why‘ I talked about why having goals and aspirations is not enough ...

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„Which way you ought to go depends on where you want to get to…“ That advice from ...

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If I were to ask you to pick a leader, either current or from history that you ...

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With 1 being don’t do anything until it is checked, checked again, discussed in multiple committees and ...

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So, you think you’ve got a dynamic organisation which is actively delivering change? Congratulations, that means you ...

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Fifty years ago, whilst the Americans were demonstrating how innovation and insight allied to a drive for ...

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Organisations the world over continue to profess high levels of innovation capability, embedded innovation cultures and needle-shifting ...

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What do business leaders want? is perhaps too broad, or too simple, a question. It goes without ...

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What exactly is innovation? Is it about creating a new product or simply being creative? Is innovation ...

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So, you’re a senior leader, maybe a CEO and today is the first day of the rest ...

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Three years ago Derek Bishop, Jo Geraghty and I published our book, Building a Culture of Innovation. [1] ...

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In my recent article looking at why innovation transformations fail I called out innovation leadership (or lack ...

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