So, if I walked into your office tomorrow, stopped the first person I came across and asked ...

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Ahead of today’s Malta Innovation Summit I had the pleasure of being interviewed by The Times of ...

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Ahead of the Malta Innovation Summit I had the pleasure of being interviewed by The Times of ...

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Those of you who are regular readers of my thought pieces will know that I regularly reinforce ...

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“Transformations are no longer one-time initiatives” That quote from BCG [1] formed part of the conclusion to ...

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You know that jigsaw that you got for Christmas, no not the 50-piece children’s one with large ...

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We all know there’s nothing new about innovation, or even innovation strategy, leadership or culture. The truth ...

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In this episode I (Colm Roche) spoke to Founder, CEO & Author, Cris Beswick, about his journey ...

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Risk and innovation are natural bedfellows, as innovation is by its very nature something of a leap ...

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When thinking about the resistance to change, especially that required in the pursuit of innovation-led growth, Machiavelli ...

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54% of companies struggle to align innovation strategy with business strategy [1] That was conclusion of PwC’s ...

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In my previous article, ‘Why building a culture of innovation is your competitive advantage?’ [1] I explored ...

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