What does collaboration mean to you? For some the words collaboration and teamwork are fairly interchangeable; I ...

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Just because it didn’t work, doesn’t make it the wrong decision because life and innovating is all ...

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In an ‘always on’ increasingly technological life it sometimes seems as though every time there is an ...

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You can be honest with me. I’m not your client, or your colleague, or your investor. You ...

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When it comes to pure innovation, the UK is doing pretty well. In fact, according to the ...

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Are you ready to shape the future? More importantly, are you prepared to take the action necessary ...

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In my recent article, innovating cultural transformations, I explored the way in which the ability to create ...

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When we think and talk about building a culture of innovation, one of the key messages is ...

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To those who like to plan the way, to work back through every step of a journey ...

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The history of car manufacturing in the UK has not been smooth. There was a period in ...

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Looking for game changing results? Thanks to the magic of TV and cinema we know exactly how ...

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One of the challenges which leaders face when they are looking to move their organisation towards a ...

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