Okay, I’ll admit that in some circumstances asking about levels of maturity could be seen to be ...

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“We have to change the way we’re doing things. And that starts, we fervently believe, with innovation.” ...

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Regular readers of our articles and blogs will know of the importance, which we place on businesses ...

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96% of senior executives think that some form of culture change is needed within their organisation and ...

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No matter how much we speak and write about innovation culture, it can be difficult to get ...

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There’s nothing new in the belief that leadership is an affair of the heart; after all, it’s ...

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One of the accusations which is frequently levied against innovation culture is that it is too free-form ...

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Red tape: the enemy of innovation. In actual fact, red tape is not only the enemy of ...

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Boom or bust, profit or loss, all or nothing; it sometimes seems as though we live in ...

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„Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall ...

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Productivity growth has “been a cause of serial disappointments over the past seven years.” So said Sir ...

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When does invention become innovation? What distinguishes those who just do lots of stuff from those who ...

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