When we talk about innovating the future, when we warn about the dangers of disruptors appearing from ...

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We’d like to tell you a story. Actually that’s not quite true; we’d like you to tell ...

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The news that the Beaver Colony which was reintroduced into Devon a couple of years ago has ...

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The bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority in tandem with the Financial Conduct Authority have issued new rules which ...

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“We’re going to create a new strategy, which is going to deliver game changing results for our ...

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“The UK banking system is big” This quote from a recent Bank of England publication perhaps qualifies ...

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‘Know the culture you want’ is one of the headline conclusions from a new report into company ...

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“Innovation is one of the cornerstones for future growth and prosperity in Europe” So leads the Executive ...

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In 1933 when H. G. Wells wrote ‘The shape of things to come’ he could scarcely have ...

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What do you really know about your customers? You may have loyalty card data and footfall metrics ...

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When an animal is injured it retreats to safe pastures. There, away from danger it quietly licks ...

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What does your HR department do? If the first answers that spring to mind are managing holidays, ...

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