The end of the year is upon us and what a year it has been! From glacial ...

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You may be familiar with the classic children’s tale about a family going on a bear hunt. ...

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You’ve read the blogs; you’ve studied the statistics. Now for the first time you can experience innovation ...

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Let’s start with some negatives. Innovation isn’t just about having an idea about a product, which will ...

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There is an old saying, which runs “I want never gets”. Used by parents from time immemorial ...

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With the latest PMI surveys signalling a sustained recovery it is time to start thinking about how ...

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In my last blog “The Innovation Jigsaw” I talked about the five discovery characteristics, which enable those ...

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Look at your hand. What do you see? Nothing-special perhaps; just perfectly ordinary fingers and a thumb, ...

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How do you complete a jigsaw puzzle? It’s a fair bet that when you were little you ...

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Words, simple random arrangements of letters, can be the most powerful force in the universe or a ...

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Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last ...

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The humble sat-nav may have its critics but for the majority of motorists it has brought them ...

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