In 2013 Nokia announced it was being acquired by Microsoft. At the subsequent press conference, then outgoing ...

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Change is widely seen as a constant in modern business life, but there are many reports and ...

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You know the scenario. There’s a group of you sitting around chatting, mulling over the next steps ...

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It’s easy to think of business as a kind of zero sum world where for every winner ...

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One of the great things about Christmas is the reappearance on the TV of all those old ...

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Water. At a fundamental level, it’s just a collection of molecules and yet without it much of ...

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Innovation is widely lauded as a universal panacea, but what does innovation really mean, and do you ...

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“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to ...

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So, what do you know about your customers? Sure you may have some quite sophisticated statistical analysis ...

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As Jack Welch famously said, honesty matters in business. So, let’s start by having a little bit ...

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In a world of hyper competition, unprecedented challenges and constant disruption, the need for business innovation allied ...

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Cris Beswick, co-author of ‚Building a Culture of Innovation’, joins Rita for the first in a series ...

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