Christmas has been and gone, you’ve managed to survive the end of the year accounting period and ...

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The further we move away from the depths of the recession, the more it becomes apparent that ...

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What did you do to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week? The week, which drew to a close on ...

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When you think of infrastructure, which countries would be in your global top 10? Would you pick ...

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If your innovation ambitions stop at the product then I’m sorry but you are never going to ...

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One of the key strategic ambitions for Next Generation Organisations is to build an agile and adaptable ...

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What does it take to encourage innovative behaviours in your organisation? Is it the ability of leadership ...

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Think of a process, any process. Even if it is fully automated it’s a fair bet that ...

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When we look to build a culture of innovation, to change our organisational structure to one which ...

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When organisations are looking to build innovation into their corporate strategy, one option which they may consider ...

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From now on we’re all going to be innovative! Hurrah! Much cheering and releasing of balloons into ...

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Here’s a ‚corporate strategy‘ analogy I overheard in a local supermarket on 1st November… Child: Why are ...

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