Leadership, commitment, integration; these three keywords emerged from a virtual ‘fireside chat’ which I was invited to ...

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The manufacturers’ organisation EEF in partnership with Vodafone has published its 2015/16 Innovation Monitor which looks at ...

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There may only be a finite number of jokes in the world but year after year the ...

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Where to start? How do you define something which is as much an attitude, a state of ...

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As the opening skirmishes of the premiership football season got underway, some pundits were predicting that this ...

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It’s A’ level results day and the press is full of those obligatory pictures showing pupils, teachers ...

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When we talk about creating a culture of innovation, one topic which inevitably comes into play is ...

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When you live innovation on a daily basis it can be easy to become inured to the ...

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The phrase ‘thinking outside the box’ has become so embedded in the business lexicon that it now ...

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There are two types of people within an organisation, the leadership team and everyone else. It’s the ...

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Are you prepared for the future? More importantly, are you prepared to meet and overcome any disruptors, ...

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The preliminary Q2 GDP figures from the Office for National statistics indicate that not only is GDP ...

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