What does it take to succeed: a measure of luck, determination, willpower, vision, having the right team ...

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If you cut corners, you’ll get shoddy workmanship. It doesn’t matter what the task is; whether you ...

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What does collaboration mean to you? Does it involve a group of colleagues from differing areas of ...

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When you are building a Next Generation Organisation and shaping the future through innovation, one of the ...

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The 21st October 2015 is being acclaimed across the world as Back to the Future Day; the ...

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Apart from areas such as creating game-changing customer experiences and business longevity, one of the strongest reasons ...

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Who controls your corporate strategy? You’d like to hope it’s the board, you’d probably even assume that ...

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We talk a lot about innovative organisations, ones, which have adopted a culture of innovation in a ...

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When was the last time you tried to disrupt your organisation? Actually, perhaps before I go much ...

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I’m passionate about innovation. When I talk with you I hope that some of that passion comes ...

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I need to innovate but I don’t have a big budget or the time; but it’s okay ...

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Who is the most creative person you know? Now think of the same question in a business ...

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